"Shoshana" is a political thriller inspired by true events, set in the 1930s in Tel Aviv, a new European-style Jewish city built on the Mediterranean coast. Through the relationship between Thomas Wilkin (Douglas Booth) and Shoshana Borochov (Irina Starshenbaum), the film tells how violence and extremism can create a rift between individuals, forcing them to choose sides. A member of the anti-terrorism squad of the British-Palestinian police forces, Wilkin teams up with Geoffrey Morton (Harry Melling) in the hunt for an underground leader, the charismatic poet Avraham Stern (Aury Alby). Stern is convinced that the establishment of the state of Israel must necessarily involve violence, and Wilkin and Morton become his main targets. Like many in Tel Aviv, Shoshana is modern, progressive, and feminist. She hates Stern's policies and his followers, but as the climate of violence intensifies, she will be forced to decide which side she wants to fight on.
Revolution Films Bartlebyfilm Vision Distribution Sky Cinema |
Michael Winterbottom |
YEAR | 2024 |
Douglas Booth Irina Starshenbaum Harry Melling Aury Alby Ian Hart |
Vision Distribution |